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His Calling, My Purpose

Writer: Christian Life Christian GirlsChristian Life Christian Girls

Sitting in my dorm room after a long day my first semester of college, I felt an urge to go visit the student mission's office. Walking in the mission's office, I had no specific reason of being there except to learn more about the program with the hope of joining student mission's in the future. Walking in to Pastor Stevens office, I felt at home talking about mission opportunities with him. Leaving that day I felt excited for what God had in store for me in the future.

Desire for mission's did not start in a mission's office at university, during a vespers service, or listening to a missionary in church. Growing up an avid reader, twelve year old me, started reading lots of missionary stories. From the first mission book, I was eager to read as many as I could. It all seemed so far in the future being so young, but I looked forward and dreamed of the day when I could go specifically to an orphanage. Little did I know, growing up happens way faster than the young child in me ever thought it would.

My first semester as a college student passed rather quickly, February rolled around, and again I felt a tug on my heart. Deep down I knew God was calling me to be a missionary for the next school year. I marched up to the mission's office and said, "Pastor Steven, I am ready!' "Awesome, Where do you wanna go?" he said. Then it hit me, I had no idea. So I told him, "Pastor, I LOVE kids, cooking, and a bonus would be to learn Spanish." That brings me to where I am now, in Bolivia, working on a orphanage compound as a houseparent to 17 girls and 1 little boy. I am learning Spanish faster than ever and cooking for over 20 people every day. God is truly blessing, and I hope the stories that he is creating here bless you as much as they have me.



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